Project information


PetIEEE is a project of an auxiliary robot for the elderly, especially when it comes to their routine, having the functions of checking the elderly person via voice commands and reminding them to perform important day-to-day activities such as brushing their teeth, taking medicine, or even bathing time with the use of alarms. The robot has a connection with a telegram bot that will be its interface for configuring the checking function and its alarms, being important to configure the robot before use. In addition, PetIEEE also has a graphic display that will show the “emotions” of the robot, thus making it a more welcoming device for the elderly.

Bot encoding

The bot that will control the settings and actions performed by the user is being done in the "Python" language and will be accessed by Telegram (online messaging application). It features a button-navigable interface that any user can use without further problems.

Parcial results

With this first stage of the project being finalized, the group is already developing the circuit part and then the integration of the hardware with the software.